Your Can & Bottle Redemption Center with a Purpose


Monday - Saturday : 

8:00am - 3:00pm 

CLOSED : April 21st Patriots Day & May 26th Memorial Day

check Facebook or CALL.  We close at times to process

           high volume of cans and on all state Holidays. 


1901 County Street

Dighton, MA   02715

Call us 

(774) 872-0214

We Accept 

MA stamped cans, plastics and glass

Our Process

Arrive with your pre-counted cans , plastic bottles or glass bottles. It is recommended that Cans and Plastic  be in clear bags, or we may need to have you recount when you arrive.

******************************************   Glass MUST be in ORIGINAL or Beer boxes.  *****************************************

.05 cents paid for cans / plastic and glass in boxes.               ****   .04 cents paid for loose glass 

✨✨✨We sell boxes .70 cents each for your glass bottles. Holds 24 glass bottles ✨✨✨ 

✨✨✨ We sell can / plastic bottle bags 5 for $2.00  ✨✨✨ 

© 2021 Town Line Redemption
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